Undercover mothers: the most underrated species

Life Itself

Everyone wants a mum that’ll look at you like an award winning actress, when you got picked to be the sheep with no lines in The Nativity. And even after that everyone needs a little motherly love. But motherhood isn’t just basic human biology, it’s the person who gives you that feeling. Even if you don’t have a child yourself, you may be subconsciously mothering someone else. It’s time that your undercover mothers got a shout-out, they didn’t give birth to you but their never ending support for your stupid mistakes is probably just as painful as pushing you out of their hoo-ha.

So let’s say a Happy Mother’s Day to all your undercover mothers…

Your best friend

The person that’ll have a properly shit night out just to take care of you – because getting bladdered at home is just cheaper and drinks move faster down your throat to the Dirty Dancing soundtrack. They may not have taken a bullet for you but they’ll take your vomit, continuous advice requests, your most true and ugly self that farts and snorts from laughing too much and listens to you talk about the same person you dated over and over again – sometimes the bullet seems favourable.

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Complete random strangers

Sometimes we just get little mothering moments whether that’s a smile from a Barista on a shitty day or a stranger that lets you stroke their dog. And of course the nice old lady that says you ought to be wearing a proper coat as you stand there twirling in a ripped jacket you assumed was #edgy.

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Someone in school

Education tests more than just your knowledge of frogspawn – very sure this is all I ever learnt in primary school- it can be emotionally challenging at times. There’s usually a particular adult at school that you went to if you had a bad day. The Design Technology teachers tended to be horrifying and it’s a sigh of relief to have a kind teaching assistant who will slyly make your crappy wooden box for you.

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That dedicated social media liker

Maybe it’s self-absorbent and needy but just like a mother would, some of us want to feel appreciated and love that person we can count on to like our Instagram posts whether we are looking like toads or butterflies. Our social-media-mothers, they’re always there, a notification of love.

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Someone you work with

It’s surprising how close you can come to someone you share a bit of desk space with.Sometimes you need your work-mum to give you a reassuring look when you fuck-up. They’re probably the only person that gets your irrational annoyance for a particular person and them siding with you makes you feel less like a bad person. And they’re always right there to off load to and send a sneaky text during your shift if you’re a little worried about something. They’re also pretty fabulous if you forgot your lunch.

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A sibling

Of course you have the same actual mother. But a sibling gives you just as much reassurance and comfort that a mother would and we all need – even the self-proclaimed #GymLads. A sibling can help you out in the playground when a kid is being a dick to you, talk to you honestly and openly and most importantly cover up your most deadliest of hangovers to the entirety of your family.

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It’s quite possible to mother your own self at times, which is character building and makes you stronger as a person. Sometimes we need to look at ourselves in the mirror and say ‘stop being a twat’. The most triumphant and important talks come from me to me in toilet bathrooms when I drank too much.

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Love can be found in all crooks and creeks of the world. Most expect to find it in the most cliche of forms, almost like the people you are designated to but sometimes it exists where you may not even recognise it and you simply stumble across them.


Seven Struggles of a December Birthday

Life Itself

Do you know what, Love Actually isn’t all around and you can stick your Elf Yourself video up your bottom.

December birthdays are a little bit awful, being born within the Christmas month means you’re lost amongst the Christmas cheer and the ‘is it too early?’ discussion – by the way if your birthday is before Christmas then the answer is yes.

birthday happy birthday my birthday

1. People are hesitant to go out. It’s your birthday so you’ll want to go out and spend money on some kind of fun. But then arrives the excuses; someone is doing their second Christmas; others overdid it on the mulled wine; your friends need to ‘save themselves’ to do Christmas properly; another let-down doesn’t want to go out for drinks, in preparation for their new years resolution, that they’ll soon fail when their lovely summer birthday arrives or it’s someones bloody work party. And my personal favourite: “I have no money, we spent so much on presents this year!” MY BIRTHDAY HAS BEEN ON THE SAME DAY EVERY YEAR, YOU WANKER. P.S  don’t you dare suggest going to Winter Wonderland on my birthday, bitch.

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2. Everyone talks about Christmas whilst you’re trying to be excited for your birthday. Oh, you can’t wait for Christmas, can you? Don’t mind me whilst I tangle myself in these fairy-lights whilst bitterly giggling at the Gavin & Stacey Christmas Special.

3. Everyone always asks if you ‘mind’ having your birthday in December. Well I didn’t really get a choice but I lie anyway to make it clear that Christmas, New Years Eve and my birthday are three entirely separate events, that you should all be equally excited about – OKAY?

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4. It’s bloody cold. Everyone is a bit ill and their summer-selves have hibernated into a cocoon of hot-chocolate and snotty tissues. If you go out clubbing you enter the antarctic after leaving and everyone’s energy is just generally lower. YAY, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY *sneeze, cough, cry.*

Disney sick cold snow white sneeze

25 types of irritating people

Shots & Giggles

These 25 people are the coffee flavoured chocolates in your milk trays, they just piss you off a bit…

People who don’t believe that someone doesn’t like cats/dogs. “Oh but you’ll love Charlie, everyone loves Charlie.” Nope no I don’t, Charlie is a scratchy prick like the rest of the cats in this world. In fact, I hate Charlie the most.

cat no angry hate pissed off

People who suck-up to the admin on Facebook pages. “Hope this is okay to post” alright Karen, we get it, you want to post about your car boot sale even though it’s not a permitted post on the village page.

Angie Tribeca kiss mustache tbs sarcasm

People who take great pleasure in knowing train timetables. These people feel the need to squeeze in their transport knowledge at any given time. “Oh you’re on you way to Cambridge? You should have got the train one hour earlier on platform five, on the last carriage to get a good seat” – I AM ALREADY ON THE TRAIN, THIS INFORMATION IS USELESS. LEAVE ME ALONE.

gilmore girls alexis bledel rory gilmore know it all i like knowing things

“The book is better than the film” people. Okay maybe it is. But I’m certain they just enjoy saying this, even if it’s not true. And let’s be honest, they love to flaunt their literary excellence because they know for a fact I haven’t read the book.

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People who rush around for absolutely no reason. These people are mostly found at work. The one hurrying around with a piece of a paper, is literally doing nothing. Just because they’re walking around fast with an irrelevant item makes them look like they’re working but I know the truth. Ha.

late kramer hurry hurry up running late

People who sip a Jäger-bomb. This is dumb. Imagine going to a swimming pool saying that your going to ‘bomb’ then you just dip your feet in. If you’re going to do something, do it properly.

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Mothers who don’t believe their child is a demon. “What? My Rupert, he would never do such a thing!” Rupert is a little twat and he does do such things. Wake up, your child is Satan in small human form.

The Simpsons marge simpson hug mom mother